"I value creating work that is SH*T (Simple, Honest, Intentional, Timeless)" -Osborne

Osborne Macharia is a Kenyan-Canadian photographic artist, whose creative expression combines photography, motion and art direction. Heavily influenced by his experience growing up in Kenya, Osborne draws inspiration from his culture, surrounding and faith to influence his artistic vision.

His body of work falls within the genre known as AFROFUTURISM, which he describes as "an artistic expression that seeks to challenge the post-colonial African narrative by integrating historical elements, present culture and future aspirations of people of African ancestry. Using narrative, fantasy and fiction to empower the New Africa."

Governed by 2 key elements, CULTURAL IDENTITY and FICTION, it creates a powerful platform to convey important messages on topics such as African Identity, Equality, Representation, Gender Abuse, FGM, Albinism, Dwarfism, Conservation and Care for the Elderly.



Visit Osborne's portfolio site at Macharia Studio

Or follow him on Instagram